Discipleship + Growth
Discipling others
Growing as a disciple of Christ is a life-long process and happens through many avenues. Below are a few resources to help you help others grow spiritually.
1. Making and Multiplying Disciples. What does it mean to make disciples? Start here for a framework for discipleship.
2. Discipleship Packet. How do I start discipling someone? This packet will give you the big picture and some tracks to get started in discipling another person.
3. Collaborative Discipleship. What should I do during discipleship? Collaborative Discipleship is a resource that will give you tracks to run on. It is full of content, studies, and ideas for discipleship.
4. The Compass. The Compass is a tool designed to help staff and student disciplers guide other students through the process of becoming mature disciples.
Helping a New Believer Get Started in their faith
The following lessons are designed to help a new or young believer become established in their faith. Download and print each lesson to go through it together.
Helping a non-Christian Explore Faith
Simple Exploratory Bible Study - (helps explain Biblical storyline)
Every Student - (great website to answer hard questions)
Topical Resources for Growth and Discipleship
Assurance of Salvation
That you may Know (cru.org)
Assurance of Salvation (collaborative)
Beginning with God and Spiritual Growth
Beginning with God (cru.org)
Bible Studies
Aggie Cru Bible Study Material for the groups you lead or for you to do on your own.
Biblical Justice
Justice (collaborative)
Justice Video (Bible Project)
Biblical Justice vs. Social Justice (Dr. Tony Evans)
Church Involvement
Community and Friendships
Christian Fellowship - (Collaborative)
Cru Community Article- All You Need is Love – Our Need for Community
Friendships (cru.org)
Follow Up 2 – Stepping From Feelings of Unworthiness to Forgiveness
How to Confess & Breath Spiritually - (Collaborative)
Dating and Marriage
Relationships and Dating (cru.org)
Marriage (cru.org)
Why we oppose same sex marriage (Family Life)
Devotionals and time with the Lord
Devotionals and time with the Lord (cru.org)
Decision Making & Discerning God’s Will
Discerning God’s Will - (Compass)
Decision Making Tool- This tool is very helpful in making well-rounded decisions. Download this form to help you make better decisions.
Cru Community Article– Trying to Find the Lightswitch – Guidance
Discipleship (cru.org)
The Discipleship Training Packet - Good discipleship times start with prayer and some intentionality. Planning is part of this. Download: The Discipleship Training Packet for you and your multiplying disciples to get started.
Making and Multiplying Disciples - This visionary tool will help you to discover where your disciples are and to challenge them in the next step of making disciples. This helps define the mission of Aggie Cru. This is also included in the "Discipleship Training Packet." Download: Making and Multiplying Disciples document.
Growth Circles- This will help you and your disciple identify areas they want to grow and develop in. This tool can also be found in the "Discipleship Training Packet."
Eternal Perspective
Evangelism Principles (cru.org)
Prayer, Care, Share - Try this with your disciples to help them look outward, pray, and take steps of faith in sharing the gospel. Download this helpful document.
"Why is there something instead of nothing?" This resource briefly looking at the existence of God and the claims of Christ.
Steps for Sharing the Gospel in My Circles - an article that helps you start sharing your faith in the places God has you.
Exploring John and Encountering Jesus- Here is a way to share the gospel with others by exploring John together. It is a tool with simple questions to explore Christ with others
Short Films- Global Short Film Network (GSFN) is a part of The JESUS Film Project. Their goal is to help you discover a person’s story through the theme of the films. As you listen to their story, you can share your own and connect the viewer to the person of Christ. These short films are great tools for engaging in spiritual conversations with family, friends, and even strangers.
How to forgive others - Collaborative
God’s Love and Forgiveness - Collaborative
Getting Parents Approval - Cru Press
Respectfully leaving your parents - Family Life
God’s Heart for the Nations’ 1040 Window
World Vision - Compass
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few - Traveling Team
From stained glass to 1040 - Traveling Team
Guilt & Shame
The difference between guilt and shame - Gospel Coalition
5 Steps to overcome shame - Ben Bennett
Holy Spirit
Identity in Christ
Who am I? - Cru
Our Identity in Christ - Collaborative
Knowing God Personally Booklet
Leading a Small Group (cru.org)
Developing as a Leader (cru.org)
Leadership Challenge-- a challenge to lead with Cru
Mental Health
Five truths to know about Mental Health - Ben Bennett
Multiplication (Spiritual Multiplication)
Outreach Ideas
Outreach Strategies (cru.org)
Perspective Cards
Prayer & Fasting
Pride and Submission - Compass
Life and Relationships (cru.org)
Biblical Reconciliation - Dr. Tony Evans
Dating - Cru Resources
Sanctification (Regular Spiritual Growth)
Scripture Memory
Scripture Memory - Compass
Why memorize Scripture - Desiring God
Sexuality / Sexual Wholeness
The last time I looked at porn - Ben Bennett
Small Groups
Leading a Small Group (cru.org)
Short Films
Global Short Film Network (GSFN) is a part of The JESUS Film Project. Their goal is to help you discover a person’s story through the theme of the films. As you listen to their story, you can share your own and connect the viewer to the person of Christ. These short films are great tools for engaging in spiritual conversations with family, friends, and even strangers.
Stewardship - Compass
Worry - Compass
How to handle pressure - Cru
Summer Missions
Summer Reading Challenge
Use this helpful guide to help you get into God's Word over the summer.
Testimony/Sharing your story
Preparing your personal testimony (cru.org)
The Word
How to study the Word (cru.org)
When it is a challenge to read Scripture (cru.org)
Ideas for a "Quiet Time" (cru.org)
Training to Pass on to others
Training that is Transferable (cru.org)